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How do I connect my SolarEdge inverter?
Updated over 10 months ago

Before you start: To pair your SolarEdge inverter with the Chargee app, you need an API key.

Find your API key

In most cases, you can create an API key yourself. In some cases this is necessary and you need to contact the installer of your inverter.

Creating an API key

  1. Go to the SolarEdge monitoring portal and log in with your SolarEdge account

  2. At the top of the menu, click Admin (cog icon)

    If you do not see an Admin tab, contact your installer (see "Request an API key from your installer" in this article)

  3. Go to the Site Access tab

  4. Go to the Access Control tab

  5. Scroll to API Access at the bottom of the page

  6. Click on the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions

  7. Click on the New Key button

  8. Click on Save

  9. Copy the entire API key

Then add the API key to your Chargee app.

Request an API key from your installer

If you cannot create an API key yourself in the SolarEdge monitoring portal, only your system's installer may have access. You can find your inverter's installer in the SolarEdge web portal dashboard. You can request an API key by emailing your installer.

Dear installer,

I would like to receive my SolarEdge installation's API key for my Chargee app.

You can create an API key within the SolarEdge monitoring portal. The video below shows the steps you can follow to do so.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Link your SolarEdge inverter in the Chargee app

  1. Open the Chargee app

  2. Open your Profile

  3. Select Integrations

  4. Select Add integration

  5. Select SolarEdge

  6. Paste the API key in the field provided and select Link with SolarEdge

Requirements and functionality

  • Your SolarEdge inverter must be connected to an internet connection

  • Your solar consumption is shown per quarter hour in the Chargee app. It is not possible to see your solar consumption and generation live

  • Please note: API links from partners depend on the stability, speed and accuracy of third-party devices and services. Chargee cannot be held responsible in any way for the provision and correct functioning of third-party APIs. Is the link no longer working? Please try again or contact us at [email protected].

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